Kristen Whelan
Life Aligned
The most trusted expert for dignified and meaningful transitions, curated for you
“Each person I work with has chosen me to guide them with warmth, wisdom and understanding. You don’t have to do this alone.
I am here for you, with compassion and lightness. … one human being to another.”
227. 219. 8889
Working Together
“What Now?” Life Events
Life has quaked and shaken you. You want to find a way to steady yourself, to have someone to hold onto who will deeply listen and assist you in finding stable footing in your new world. Compassionate, non-judgmental and supportive expertise is available to gently guide you through changes and decisions that can feel confusing, heavy or hard.
* Ending a Relationship or Marriage
* Living as “The Sandwich Generation”
* Life Course Correction
* Loneliness * Building Friendships
* New Living Arrangement * Empty Nest
* Upsizing or Downsizing * Planning a Move
* Change in Business or Career * Retirement
“Third Act” (Finding New Life Purpose)
* Caregiving / Needing Support
* Grief Coaching
* Death: Family Member / Friend / Loved One / Pet / Colleague
* End-of-Life Planning (for yourself or another)
Estate & End-of-Life Preparation
Ease and peace of mind are the benefits of practical planning. Organizing and making important decisions now for your future and for the next generation are wonderful ways to express that you care.
* Financial documents, medical records, household files, tax forms
* Personal / hobby / heirloom collections
* Legacy, keepsake and inheritance items
* Family history / geneology / photographs
* “Third Act” (Finding New Life Purpose)
* Life Review & Last Letters
* End-of-Life Decisions (for yourself or another):
Last Will & Testament / Powers of Attorney /
Advance Medical Directives
* Funerals / Last Ritual / Celebrations of Life
* Special Life Memorials and Travel Memorials
Home Flow & Organizing
If you frequently grumble, “I can’t find anything!”, you’re letting your house stop you from enjoying your home. Together we can establish the right steps forward to bring about the richer life, safety, stability and flow you seek. You are guaranteed compassionate, non-judgmental and supportive expertise.
* Existing home reorganization and flow
* New home / living arrangement
* Upsizing / Downsizing